Nansulate®, when fully cured, contains approximately 70% Hydro-NM-Oxide and 30% acrylic resin and performance additive. A liquid applied coating, it dries to a thin layer and provides exceptional insulation, corrosion protection, prevents mold, and prevents rust. Nansulate has proven to provide energy savings in a variety of industrial and ...
Get QuoteХовор тохиолдолд ижил зүйл нь нэгэн зэрэг сахиус, сахиус болж чаддаг. Гэхдээ зорилго бүрийн хувьд өөрийн гэсэн зүйлийг сонгох нь дээр, тэгвэл үр дүн нь илүү мэдэгдэхүйц байх болно. 🙂 Хэрэв ...
Get QuoteГоёл чимэглэл бүхий дээвэр. Чулуун арслангууд сүмийг хамгаалж байдаг. Чойжин ламын сүм музей нь Монгол улсын нийслэл Улаанбаатар хотын төв хэсэгт орших музей юм. VIII Богд Жавзандамба хутагт ...
Get QuoteNansulate™ High Heat High Performance Protective Thermal Insulation & Corrosion Prevention Coating. A nanotechnology-based insulation and corrosion prevention coating that is designed for metal substrates up to 400F (204C). It bonds with the surface of the metal to prevent corrosion and CUI. It will provide you with long-term performance and ...
Get QuoteIndustrial Nanotech, Inc. announced that the company's "Nansulate® Solar" is currently being specified on both solar panels and the pipes and tanks of solar hot water systems to increase efficiency and lower operating costs. "Field trials of Nansulate Solar began a year ago in March of 2008 by Universal Energy Group, Inc., located in Stockton, …
Get QuoteОлимпын наадам эхлэхэд 600 хоног үлдсэнийг тохиолдуулан "Парис-2024" олимпын зохион байгуулагчид албан ёсны бэлгэдэл сахиус буюу маскотыг олон нийтэд танилцууллаа. Наадмын бэлгэдэл сахиус ихэвчлэн ямар нэг амьтныг ...
Get QuoteNansulate™ EPXH2O is our #1 High Temperature Industrial Protective Thermal Insulation. Proven to solve the most difficult energy efficiency, corrosion, CUI, …
Get QuoteAward Winning Syneffex™ Thermal Insulation and Asset Protection Coatings for Sustainable Manufacturing, Building Energy Efficiency and Industrial MRO. 800-858-3176 Syneffex™ is the global leader in thermal insulating coatings and asset protection solutions. Our patented sustainable nano-engineered coatings are designed to save energy, …
Get QuoteToday's Posts; Member List; Calendar; Forum; Alternative Energy; Green Building - Main; Insulation & Weatherization; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want …
Get QuoteIn form, quotation marks (or simply "quotes" for short) are just commas, elevated to the top of a text line instead of at the bottom. Single quotation marks use only one comma—they look just like the apostrophe —while double quotation marks use two commas right next to each other. The direction the quotation marks face depends on ...
Get QuoteThey first began looking into using Nansulate coatings on the bridge tunnels in areas such as the tunnel eyeholes and ceilings in 2011 after becoming aware of the hydrophobic and insulating nature of the …
Get QuoteДалан төрлийн тарнийг хүргэж байна. 1. Авран хамгаалах тарни: Ум рагму барна адма чирү пүрү ха ло хи да сарва шадрүм марая хум пад. Монгол орныгдаасан сахиус, шашны дайсныг номхтгон, шашны ...
Get QuoteSyneffex™ Thermal Insulation CoatingsThermal Insulation Paint Sustainable Thermal Insulation Coatings Nansulate™ EPX-H2OThermal Insulating Paint Patented Nano-engineered Thermal Insulation in a Class of its Own.Corrosion Proof. Chemical Resistance. Pays for Itself Fast, in Approximately 12 Months.Keeps Saving You Money for 10 Years …
Get QuoteThere are several types of insulating paints, the prominent of which are Nansulate, Insuladd, Hy-Tech, and others. The way they work is that you either apply the insulating (or thermal) paint to the interior walls or you mix an additive into your existing paint. Multiple coats are …
Get QuoteNansulate® Translucent PT is a translucent water-based coating which incorporates a nanotechnology material with an extremely low thermal conductivity. It acts as a barrier …
Get QuoteUpdated July 14, 2016 at 9:52 PM. Industrial Nanotech Launches Nansulate (R) Vinyl Fresh. Clear Liquid Thermal Insulation and UV Protection Coating Rejuvenates Vinyl Siding on Homes. NAPLES, Fla ...
Get QuoteThe total R-value of the 1.6" material is 5.2 (3.25 x 1.6"). If you wanted to double up the Thinsulate, you're R-value would be 10.4, however we feel that one layer of Thinsulate combined with a radiant …
Get QuoteIn 2007, Nansulate®, a patented line of thermal barrier coatings, were mentioned in a report titled, "Environmentally Beneficial Nanotechnologies: Barriers and Opportunities" by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Under this study, five nanotechnological applications were subject to detailed investigation, and ...
Get QuoteАРВАН ХАНГАЛ САХИУС ХУРНА. Өнөөдөр билгийн тооллын Хаврын дунд шарагчин туулай сарын 29, аргын тооллын дөрөвдүгээр сарын 21, Дэлгэрүүлэгч одтой хөх морь өдөр тохиож байна. Сахиус бурхад нь: 1.
Get QuoteContact Data Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (800) 508-6153 ZA Consulting Investors: David Zazoff (212) 505-5976
Get QuoteҮүнд 1. Эхийн эрхт овгийн байгууллын үеэс манай эриний VII зуун буюу Бөртэ чонын үе хүртэлх үеийг "Монгол бөөгийн шашны үүсэл үе" 2. VII зуунаас Монгол Улсынхаа нэрийг "Юань" хэмээсэн 1271 он ...
Get Quote덱 빌드 팩 와일드 서바이버즈 에서 데뷔하는 유희왕 오피셜 카드게임 의 카드군. VS 는 "뱅키시 소울 (Vanquish Soul)"의 줄임말로, 뱅키시 (Vanquish)가 "정복하다"라는 뜻이므로 "영혼 정복" 혹은 "정복하는 영혼"으로 해석될 수 있다. 당연히 Versus 의 약자로도 의도했을 ...
Get QuoteCost effective, with long-term savings and short payback period. Green product - Low VOC (100 g/L). Energy savings - reduces heating and cooling costs. Easy cleanup with soap …
Get QuoteДоржшүгдэн. Энэ өгүүлэл дутуу дулимаг бичигджээ. Нэмж гүйцээж өгөхийг хүсье. Бидний амьдарч буй энэ эх дэлхийн цаг хугацааг судар дандраас "Галба" хэмээн томъёолох ба энэхүү Галбыг "Сайн ...
Get QuoteNansulate is a water based acrylic resin with a micron sized particle (this is the insulator) contained within the resin. When it cures / water evaporates, it dries to 70% particulate. Full ...
Get QuoteNansulate is a product line of water-based translucent insulation coatings containing a nanotechnology-based material. Nansulate PT is a direct to metal coating for pipes, tanks and other metallic ...
Get QuoteThey Say. "The 'ABC's' of Nanotechnology and Insulation" "The insulating component of Nansulate is a material we call Hydro-NM-Oxide. Passage of thermal energy through an insulating material is an attempt by hotter, fast vibrating molecules to transfer energy to cooler, slow vibrating molecules in order to reach equilibrium.
Get QuoteAll You Need to Know About Insulating Paint. Are paints that purport to help regulate the temperature inside your home all they're cracked up to be? Learn the facts …
Get QuoteНАМЖУ ВАНДАН САХИУС. Жил, сар, од гараг, цаг зүгийн гай зэтгэр, барцад саад, элдэв муу ёр бүгдийг зайлуулна. Та гэртээ болон биедээ, авто тээврийн хэрэгсэлдээ байлгавал зохимжтой. All reactions: 47.
Get QuoteNansulate™ EPX-H2O Thermal Insulation andProtective Coating Sustainable Thermal Insulation Coatings Nansulate™ EPX-H2OThermal Insulating Paint Patented Nano-engineered Thermal Insulation in a Class of its Own.Prevents Corrosion Under Insulation. Chemical Resistant. Pays for Itself Fast, in Approximately 12 Months. Keeps Saving You …
Get QuoteNansulate™ High Heat High Performance Protective Thermal Insulation & Corrosion Prevention Coating. A nanotechnology-based insulation and corrosion prevention …
Get QuoteTrohnogaya бах. Зарим хүн энэ хамгийн алдартай, сайн мэдэх Хятадын тэмдэгт, мөнгө, эд баялаг татдаг нэг юм гэж үзэж байна. хүчирхэг сахиус төгс ажил - түүний аманд нь зоос нь Trohnogaya бах. Энэ тэмдэгт ...
Get QuoteNansulate™ EPX–H2O is our #1 high temperature industrial protective high temp coating for energy saving and OSHA safe touch. It is proven to solve the most difficult energy …
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